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2. A grandiose view of oneself

They see themselves as superior to others…

Narcissists have a grandiose view of their sense of importance, their achievements, careers and many other aspects of their life.

The overt narcissist is more open in expressing the fact that they truly believe they are superior to all others.

But hidden under their perceived shyness; the covert narcissist also shares the same grandiose view of oneself.

They feel that the world does not recognize them for their talents or acknowledge how great they believe they truly are.

Image by Barion McQueen

Grandiose fantasies of one’s life…

Narcissists will boast about a life they wish they had as if they are truly living it.

Constantly twisting and embellishing facts to appear grander than they are.

Or they would lie straight out just to receive adoration and admiration for false achievements.

Then at the end of the day, they retreat into reality that is often the opposite of what they portray it to be.

Although the narcissist is not living in their ultimate fantasy,

it is true that they are living a fantasy due to self-deception of their grandiose view of oneself.

Avoiding emotions and feelings of vulnerability…

Avoidance of guilt or shame is often the cause of grandiosity.

As these are negative emotions that make us feel bad about ourselves and can have negative consequences,

it is much easier for the narcissist to deny or deflect any wrong doing or admit imperfection by covering it up with grandiosity.

Purely just to avoid the feelings of guilt, shame or pain.

To make up for their lack of self-esteem, narcissists create an exaggerated sense of superiority, perfection and uniqueness, engaging in grandiose fantasies.

They can also engage in antisocial behaviors to uphold their views of grandiosity and protect their vulnerabilities.

They are deceiving themselves…

Although narcissists envy others easily, they also believe that others envy them for their superiority.

Mainly because they have deceived themselves into believing their own grandiose sense of self-importance and entitlement.

And they are truly convinced that everyone else wishes they were as grand as what the narc perceives himself or herself to be.

3. A sense of entitlement

Pushing boundaries to get what they want…

Narcissists have a strong sense of self entitlement due to their grandiose sense of superiority.

They believe that any set of rules does not apply to them and are only there for other people.

Narcissists do not respect other’s personal boundaries.

They also feel that they are above the law and are the exceptions to any rules.

Thus, making them susceptible to constant boundary violations.

The world owes them everything…

The narcissist believes that they deserve privileges and recognition for things that they did not put in the effort to attain.

People with such sense of entitlement can also believe that the world owes them everything.

Just because they feel they are of superior importance.

If the narcissist appears to cooperate, agree and be giving, they will soon let you know that you now owe them something.

Their action is just a manipulation or tool to get what they want from others.

It is a contract of compliance they will use to guilt trip you to get what they need later in the relationship

The ‘overt’ or ‘grandiose’ narcissist is more upfront and demanding in letting you know when they expect you to ‘pay up’.

Whereas, the ‘covert’ or ‘vulnerable’ narcissist is more subtle and manipulative when going about it.

Image by Gerd Altmann

They always want you to agree with them…

Narcissists are very sensitive when others disagree or have a different view on situations.

They will take differences of opinions personally.

And their attitude and need for control will assume that others are not cooperating with their narrative.

Therefore, they feel that sense of entitlement for others to be agreeable with them.

Simply by being disagreeable towards a narcissist, they will feel that you are not giving them what they deserve.

A narcissist can also portray their attitude of entitlement by holding grudges.

Feeling like you are ‘not on their team’ and doing or saying things that do not line up with their agenda.

Often their only agenda is to gain narcissistic supply.

They do not care about other people’s perceptions, needs or emotions.

And their sense of entitlement expects others to only care about their need of constant supply.

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