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Feeling emotionally ‘stuck’ in the relationship…

Without an understanding of the narcissist’s games and what role we are actually playing in this relationship dynamic,

we often give the narcissist the benefit of the doubt and choose to remain as the frog in the pot of water.

Image by Sammy-Williams

And now we can feel stuck in the relationship with a state of mental and emotional confusion, created by the constant gaslighting.

This state of being makes us more susceptible to being further gaslighted and manipulated deeper into the toxic situation.

When we are unaware that heartless people who only want to exploit us through emotional manipulation truly exists,

then we are highly susceptible to become their victim.

When ever we choose to leave the relationship at this point, the narcissist exhausts all manipulation tactics to keep you in it.

It can feel like a constant emotional drain, a push and pull between the heart, mind, body and soul.

Your soul wants to leave, but your mind and emotions keep you stuck.

Narcissists are persistent and do not like to be rejected or to be told ‘no’.

And for many victims, we can tend to give into their persistence wanting to believe that the narc’s efforts are due to their love and devotion for us.

Unaware that they were only tactics to keep us in their web of torture and lies.

We believe the false apologies, the future faking, the empty promises, and we see their actions as devotion instead of a contract of compliance.  

So instead of leaving them, we justify their behaviors even more.

But we are actually only gaslighting ourselves, continuously making excuses for their abuse.

And we end up spending our time trying to work through the relationship due to the guilt, sympathy and confusion they have incited in our emotions.

Image by SHVETS production

We falsely believe that if we can fix the brokenness in our narc, then we can have a successful and passionate relationship.

And get back that person we first fell in love with, unable to see that the person in our mind never actually existed.

We were unaware that the emptiness in the narcissist’s soul could never have been filled by any of our efforts or our love, no matter how much we gave.

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